
the green cat’s meow

Posts Tagged ‘goodwill

Tale of $530 – money for change

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Upon moving out of our old apartment we received the balance of our deposit, $530. For a few days, we didn’t even cash the check, we just pondered what we should do with the money. We’re both relatively frugal and simple in our tastes so we didn’t, even for a moment, consider buying a new tv or anything so fancy. We want to use this money in a way that is responsible and helpful. But, we’re pretty new at this so we’re taking baby steps. 


So far, we’ve come up with a general idea of what we’ll do with our $530, let us know if you have any suggestions. 

Donate: to the Asheville Humane Society. They are currently building a new animal shelter and need a lot of funding. Mr. Sensiblekitty is currently studying veterinary medicine, so this is a cause near and dear to his heart. Also – we’re going to adopt another kitty soon! We may allocate some of these funds for that, too.

Donate: Barack Obama. I’ve already donated a wee amount to the Obama campaign but we’ve decided to take some of the money and donate a wee bit more. We know every little bit helps and we want to help Obama win in November. Of course, we would also like to encourage you to register to vote if you are not already registered. 

Save: Over $100 is now in a high interest savings account that we have started contributing to. 

Save: We also have a small ‘trip’ account. A bit of money will go in there to help us save for a trip somewhere… possibly Memphis, possibly DC, possibly San Francisco…. 

Purchase: We have one small room in our apartment which we are making into a meditation room. Last night we purchased a small lamp and a handmade basket from Ten Thousand Villages. Ten Thousand Villages is an amazing place to shop – not only for their unique and high quality goods, but also because they pay workers fairly. I’m luck to have one just across the street from where I work!

Purchase: I know I’ve been raving about lately and this won’t be the last you hear about it. But, for all other in-home-items that we need, we’re checking our local Goodwill first, then I’ve found dozens of great things I’d love to have and am trying to keep myself focused on things we NEED rather than things I WANT

Of course, we will also do things like pay bills and buy groceries. We are inspired to do something more with our tiny windfall, though. Any other suggestions ?

Written by Pearl

September 18, 2008 at 11:55 am

DIY *and* Green Per Diem:

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Do you love shopping at your local thrift store? Do you ever lament the fact that all of the hipsters have somehow gotten to all the good stuff before you can? Well – lament no more because now there’s a way to keep an eye dozens (hundreds?) of GoodWills across the country. 

Presenting – the best in recycled goods, all listed online. Its kind of like the ebay of thrift stores. The site operates like ebay, many of the items going to the highest bidder, some items available to be purchased right away. 

Here’s a peek at the types of things you’ll find at – one of my top 5 websites of all time.

 Antique and Vintage Paper

   Vintage Typewriter

Retro Tablecloth  

Watermelon Shaped Picnic Basket    

The site is easy to use and incredibly reliable. I’ve purchased over $200 worth of books, jewelry, crafting supplies and other various items from there – each arriving in a timely manner and in excellent condition. One of my favorite things about the site is the ability to get old photographs and old documents. Naturally, plenty of funky, vintage and retro items are also available, making it the hip place for all of your DIY projects. 

Written by Pearl

September 16, 2008 at 7:59 pm